by Carl Baker on 2015-11-30

The city recently began trimming approximately 250 palm trees along Orange and Cajon streets in preparation for storms associated with El Niño. On Nov. 3, the city council awarded a contract for citywide tree services to West Coast Arborists, Inc. of Anaheim. As part of this contract, and in advance of anticipated extreme weather events, City Manager Enrique Martinez directed staff to trim approximately 250 palm trees along Orange and Cajon streets between Highland Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue. Work was scheduled to begin on Thursday, Nov. 19, and is anticipated to be completed no later than Jan. 4, 2016. The project is being funded through the Street Tree Division’s annual contractual budget, which was approved at $210,000 for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. In order to maintain open lines of communication with business owners along the trim route, staff has asked the contractors to post advanced notification advising business owners of the dates that trimming will occur in front of their business locations. This project is being managed by the Quality of Life Department. Staff is making a concerted effort to minimize disruptions for business owners, residents and patrons in the project area. Notices will be posted, in advance; indicating dates when work will be occurring, and when street parking will not be accessible.