by Grand Terrace Woman's Club on 2015-05-27

The Grand Terrace Woman’s Club has long been an active supporter of libraries in Grand Terrace. Continuing the annual donation, last month GTWC President Wendy Curran and Education Chairman Adele Lara personally delivered checks to all four schools in Grand Terrace. Librarians from Grand Terrace Elementary and Terrace View Elementary each received $400 as did the librarians from Terrace Hills Middle School and Grand Terrace High School. All librarians were very excited to have funds in order to purchase new books. At Grand Terrace Elementary, Curran and Lara were treated to a personal tour of the newly-remodeled portion of the school library which had suffered water damage. Students now have a great place to read in the library and learned that librarian Jackie Connor collects Box Tops for Education to fund the replenishment books in the library. Grand Terrace High School Librarian Wendy Kinder has big plans for the donation. As a new library, there is a great need for books that are part of a continuing series, she explained. Kinder looks forward to being able to bring those books to the library fulfilling student requests. In response to the news from Grand Terrace Elementary School, Curran reminded all members of the Club to bring in their Box Tops for Education to Club Chairman Carolynn Crowe Payne so that even more Box Tops could be donated to the librarian’s cause. Grand Terrace Woman’s Club members have supported local libraries for more than 50 years, actively working to fund libraries at the local elementary schools and then branching out to the Middle School and now the new High School has been a long-standing commitment of the members of the Club. In addition, the Club also supports our city library and Friends of the Library with annual donations of new and gently used books.