by Kayla Sheldon on 2016-05-05

COLTON >> Licensed Acupuncturist Edward Romo has a passion for helping people in pain. However, acupuncture isn’t always the most affordable option. The combination of Romo’s desire to help people and his knowledge of holistic medicine was instrumental in bringing this new and affordable way for everyone to receive treatment. As Romo looks back to the first community acupuncture day held on April 27 in Colton, he didn’t have any specific expectations. He shared, “I just simply wanted those that needed help to come.” He explained that one of the attendees had obvious back pains. “When he left, he was feeling perfectly fine,” he added. As this community member thanked Romo for his help, Romo shared, “you could just see the happiness in his face.” The entire purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate the root of the pain, and eventually relieve it as the body begins the natural self-healing process. All the while using natural remedies therefore, leaving out the negative effects of medication. Romo explained that pain medicine is just masking the problem, while this natural health care option will relieve the issue from the direct source of the pain. Born and raised in San Dimas, Romo always had a passion for alternative medicine. His interest stems from his grandma and great, great grandma. “My grandma always knew what to do,” Romo explained. She had a backyard garden full of herbs and would create all sorts of things. “She had a cure for everything,” he added. Romo’s grandma actually learned from her grandmother, who was a medicine woman. The passion and skill to help people through holistic and natural abilities is simply in their blood and Romo decided to keep working in the family “business”. Although he originally went to school to pursue a career path into forensic science, he quickly had a realization that it wasn’t for him. “I decided to take the natural route,” he explained. “I wanted to help people get well.” He decided to embark on a path that mirrored both of his grandmothers’ skills. Therefore, his passion for helping people blossomed into a career of holistic medicine as he followed in his ancestor's footsteps. As he explained on his website, Romo is following in his grandmother’s footsteps, “except I’m the one with the formal schooling and fancy degrees.” Romo attended Southern California University of Health Sciences. He earned an undergraduate degree, endured two years of pre-med, and then underwent a three-year program to eventually earn a Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. His office is located in Redlands, where he has been for the past ten years. Currently he is the only one in the Inland Empire to offer this unique affordable way to receive acupuncture. Usually, acupuncture is offered through a one-on-one session. However, Romo offers the “Community Acupuncture Day”, a session among several community members that is offered at prices as low as $25 to $40. The recent Community Acupuncture Day event was for the Colton community to get a little taste of this affordable holistic healthcare option. Romo, who is also a member of the Colton Chamber of Commerce, plans to open up an office in Colton in the near future. The next steps for Romo include holding another Community Acupuncture Day and to host presentations to inform the public of certain health issues and the benefits of acupuncture. To learn more about the services Romo offers, visit his website: Or give him a call at (909) 264-0815.