by Ashley Dinkel on 2017-03-23

GRAND TERRACE>> With warm smiles and hospitality, the Grand Terrace Senior Center is holding a membership drive, and new members can receive a free lunch for joining. The senior center is run 100 percent by volunteers and Flo Elliot, volunteer director of Senior Services, said she is hoping residents from Grand Terrace and the surrounding areas will look into becoming a volunteer at the center. “A lot of seniors think they are too young to be at a senior center, but they are never too young to volunteer,” Elliot said. Those who are 55 years and older can join as a full member, while those under 55 years of age can join as an associate member. Associate members have the same benefits of a full member but do not have voting rights and cannot hold office until they reach age 55. While the center accepts members all year long, if those interested join now, they will receive a free lunch at the senior center. To provide incentive for some of the current senior members, members who invite a friend to join and become a member also, the current member will receive a free lunch as well. “We are encouraging our seniors that live in Grand Terrace and the surrounding areas to come see the center and enjoy the fun that we have at our center,” Elliot said. Elliot pointed out that volunteers have a lot of opportunities to do many things within the senior center. They may participate in the activities offered, help with the activities, start a new class, share any talents they may have, volunteer to work in the office and more. For more information, contact the center at (909) 824-1491. The Grand Terrace Senior Center is located at 22627 Grand Terrace Road in Grand Terrace. The center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. [End]