by C.J. Ellington on 2015-07-06

June 30 marked an appreciation for the many volunteers that volunteer at the Jerry L. Pettis VA Memorial Hospital. To start off the event, was a speech by the Loma Linda VA Hospital director as well as Larry Moore, the new director of volunteer services. Lunch was served at noon as well as a few door prizes given away. Lunch included pasta, chicken, and a salad with a roll and carrot cake for desert. All VA volunteers were able to attend for free. Guests were $25 a person, which covered the VA's cost. Awards were given out for those with hours accumulated from 100 to 10,000. Each volunteer received a pin and certificate to mark their hours. One volunteer, James Miles, received a trophy for his 20 years of service as well as his 32,000 hours of volunteer service to the VA Hospital. The Loma Linda VA Hospital has approximately over 500 volunteers that do a variety of duties. Those duties include everything from pushing patients in wheelchairs to working at the veterans cemetery in Riverside. The VA puts this event on to show its appreciation once a year.