by StatePoint Media on 2023-05-30

Bug bites are not just a nuisance, they can cause discomfort and even pose health risks for some.

“Mosquitoes that may carry Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue fever and West Nile virus are always out in full force during the summer months and new evidence suggests that tick populations are growing, expanding their geographic ranges and carrying additional pathogens,” says Daniel Perry, entomologist at Zevo, a maker of pest control products that are made to bother bugs, not people.

From beach barbecues to walks in the woods, here’s how to safeguard yourself against ticks and mosquitoes, so you can stay bug-free this summer for whatever takes you outside.

Don’t let the bugs bug you this summer. From sporting events to evenings on the patio, a few precautions can help ensure your comfort and protection from those pesky pests.