Teacher Retrieves Squid from North Ridge MESA Pond

By: Tim McGillivray

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Tim McGillivray

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North Ridge Magnet Elementary teacher Heidi Kruger (right) leads her third grade class to the Model Environmental Science Area pond.

MORENO VALLEY>> During an educational lesson, North Ridge Magnet Elementary teacher Heidi Kruger put on a wet-suit and retrieved a deceased squid from the Model Environmental Science Area pond so the students could learn more about the animal. The squid was purposely placed in the pond a head of time by Kruger but her third-grade class was thrilled just the same to get to see and touch a real squid. Kruger said she was inspired by a keynote address she heard at the recent California STEM Symposium by a deep-sea explorer about her experience with a giant squid. The class dissected the small squid and learned more about the cephalopod and its elusive giant cousin. According to the district website, the pond was built to help students learn about a variety of earthly life forms and how they use and depend on water.