SBCMentorChallenge to Recruit Mentors for Countys Youth

By: C.L. Lopez

Community Writer

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Children’s Network is also launching the #SBCMentorChallenge social media campaign to recruit prospective mentors and create awareness about the need for mentors of San Bernardino County youth.

SAN BERNARDINO>> In honor of National Mentoring Month, San Bernardino County Mentoring Task Force is seeking to recruit 200 mentors for San Bernardino County youth. Once one is approved to be a mentor, they will have a chance to be a consistent and positive adult presence in a young person’s life, provide advice, share life experiences and help a young person face challenges. Children’s Network is also launching the #SBCMentorChallenge social media campaign to recruit prospective mentors and create awareness about the need for mentors of San Bernardino County youth. Community members are encouraged to participate in the #SBCMentorChallenge campaign which will highlight the importance of mentors. Community members are encouraged to record videos on their smartphones or tablets in which they share their own inspiring experiences as mentors or mentees. If one has not been a mentor or a mentee, one can make a video sharing why they hope to become a mentor to a San Bernardino County youth. At the end of each video, posters should then “tag” three friends, colleagues, or community partners on social media and challenge them or those in the agency to become youth mentors and record their own inspiring mentor/mentee videos. All videos should be posted on social media with the hashtag: #SBCMentorChallenge. “We are looking forward to what this campaign will bring for youth,” said Doreen Ivery, Children’s Network’s Mentoring Resource Coordinator. “We also look forward to community leaders being a part of this campaign and challenging others to participate in this challenge to recruit mentors.” Those interested in becoming a mentor are encouraged to contact Ivery at 909 383-9677 or Children’s Network is doing its part to help the community achieve the Countywide Vision by ensuring residents have the resources they need to provide the necessities of life to their families. Information on the Countywide Vision can be found at