Colton Fire and Police Patrol for Illegal Fireworks

By: Tom DeBellis

Community Writer

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CNG Archives

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Only fireworks with the California State Fire Marshal Seal, as pictured, are allowed for use in the city of Colton.

The Colton Fire Department and the Colton Police Department will be on patrol for illegal fireworks in the city. The use of illegal fireworks and misuse of approved "Safe-N-Sane" fireworks will result in fines up to $2,000, they warn. All illegal fireworks will be confiscated. In the City of Colton there is zero tolerance if you have illegal fireworks. The most common illegal fireworks you might find are: cherry bombs; firecrackers; roman candles; M-80s; bottle rockets; shells and mortars. Only designated Safe-n-Sane fireworks that have the State Fire Marshal Seal are allowed in the City of Colton and can be purchased at any local Safe-n-Sane retail stand. Remember these safety tips when it comes to enjoying your 4th of July: * Only use Safe-n-Sane fireworks with an adult present. * Make sure you have water available in case of an emergency. * Never throw or mishandle fireworks. * Keep your pets indoors while enjoying your fireworks.