Best Date Ever Winner

By: Priya Kari

Contest Winner

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Photo Description:

Candle-lit dinner.

For our Best Date Ever contest, we received many submissions that had great dates captured: candle-lit dinners, big-screen movie nights, and sunset picnics at the beach. Here is the winning submission for our Best Date Ever:  "Many years ago, I had an unforgettable date in San Francisco. We had come to the city because Daven had been invited to speak at the MLA (Modern Language Association) conference. After the session concluded, I was ready to hit the town. It was a cold winter’s day with the wind nipping at our heels. The sound of a street musician playing the saxophone filled the air. A colorful trolley car bursting at the seams rolled on by. We walked several streets in search of Salamagundi, a restaurant recommended by Daven’s theology professor, Dr. William Hendericks. When we reached Salmagundi, we discovered a busy place bustling with activity. A waiter seated us at the very center of the restaurant. Daven was slowly unwinding and being his most ardent fan, I was happy that his speech had been so well received. We placed our order and did not have to wait long to experience the best chicken soup on the planet. Salmagundi was all that it was touted to be. The piping hot soup was simply excellent, warming the soul and nourishing the body. With renewed energy, we stepped out into San Francisco’s vibrant streets. The sun was setting over the bay in the most gorgeous manner, streaking the sky with its rosy hues. We lingered and watched in reverence. Next, Daven took me to this rooftop restaurant with glass walls and a 360-degree view of the entire twinkling city. Here, there was live music and people were dressed very fashionably. Glancing at Daven, I was grateful that he looked so dashing and impeccable in his navy suit. I was wearing a tan suede jacket and a black skirt that matched my dark hair. We were seated in a corner, this time. I loved our location because of the sheer anonymity of it. We could enjoy each other, enjoy the music, and enjoy the exquisite mood of the evening without being observed or so I thought. I noticed that a pianist in the center of the room was creating this amazing ambiance with his jazz music. The view was breathtaking and we sipped our drinks savoring the moment. Pretty soon, the pianist started singing as well and was actually looking in our direction. He was improvising and singing, “The old man in the corner with the young girl!” The corner seat had not granted me the oblivion I had coveted. Instead, we were cast in the center of the limelight as amused diners began to notice us! Truth be told, Daven has a sharp jawline, handsome features, and broad shoulders while I am petite and have the strange gift of looking ten years younger than I am! Lucky for me, my husband has a great sense of humor. The scene is forever etched in my memory very much like an impressionist painting by Renoir. We slipped out of the restaurant into the crisp night with grateful hearts, thanking God for his gift of a beautiful day."