Catren Announces Retirement as Redlands Chief of Police

By: Carl Baker

Public Information Officer

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City of Redlands

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Redlands Chief of Police Christopher Catren.

At a general meeting with department personnel Wednesday afternoon, March 1, Redlands Chief of Police Christopher Catren announced that he would be retiring due to disability as the result of a work-related back injury. No date has been set for his retirement, pending coordination with the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). “It has been an honor and privilege to serve the Redlands community for over 28 years including the past five years as Chief of Police,” Catren said Thursday. “The support I’ve received from past and current members of this department, city staff, and the community has made this career fulfilling, fun and impactful. I am incredibly proud of the Redlands Police Department staff and their dedication to the residents and visitors of this city. I am confident the department will continue to grow and thrive while providing top-tier policing services.” Redlands City Manager Charles Duggan said he was saddened by the news. “This comes far too soon for me,” Duggan said. “I’ve greatly enjoyed working with Chris and having him be a vital part of our team. I‘m grateful to have had the chance to work with him and admire all of the things he has done for Redlands during his very successful career. Chris has been an exceptional chief of police and I was looking forward to working with him for many more years.” Catren was selected as Redlands Chief of Police on Dec. 20, 2017, following the retirement of former Police Chief Mark Garcia. He began his career in law enforcement with the Redlands Police Department in 1994 as the department’s first crime analyst. In this role, he quickly learned the value of transforming data into information to further the department’s prevention, intervention, and suppression activities. In 1996, Catren became a sworn police officer and worked his way through the ranks to include assignments as an investigator, training officer, field supervisor, detective, and sergeant. His supervisory positions included investigations, patrol, field training coordinator, and reserve police officer coordinator. In 2007 Catren was promoted to lieutenant and managed the Investigative Services Bureau, the Patrol Services Bureau, and the Special Operations Bureau during his tenure. He was promoted to commander in 2013 and oversaw each of the department’s divisions before promoting to the position of Chief of Police. Catren possesses a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Public Administration from California State University, San Bernardino. He graduated from the California POST Command College in 2012. Catren is the Past President of the San Bernardino County Police Chiefs’ Association, a member of the League of California Cities Board of Directors, and is the current President of the California Police Chiefs Association. Commander Rachel Tolber was named interim chief of police pending the selection of a permanent replacement. City of Redlands press releases and other information are available on the City’s Facebook page at or on the City’s website at