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MVPD Conducts Decoy Program

By Chester Wallace
Community Writer
04/27/2017 at 04:54 PM

The Moreno Valley Traffic Team conducted a 3-hour Pedestrian Decoy Program on Tuesday, April 11 in which 13 motorists received citations for “failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.” In addition to the crosswalk citations, one motorist was cited for cellphone use, one for expired registration and two for being unlicensed. This program is scheduled to run throughout the year at various locations throughout the city. According to a news release, the department has received numerous complaints regarding motorists not stopping for pedestrians in various crosswalks and intersections throughout the city. These intersections are utilized for students walking to and from local schools in the area and the California Vehicle Code requires motorists to yield to all pedestrians in a crosswalk. The operation was conducted at Eucalyptus Avenue and Running Dear Road. This program utilized an undercover police officer walking in the crosswalk and in previous operations, many of the motorists stopped for these violations said they never saw the pedestrian in the crosswalk. In an effort to make the decoy pedestrian more visible, she was dressed in a “Traffic Cone” costume. The news release state many motorists who were stopped said they saw the “Traffic Cone” in the crosswalk. "Our goal is to make motorists more aware of their surroundings and to be vigilant while driving, especially near schools and crosswalks," said Sergeant William Stens, reporting officer. Stens urgers drivers to look out for pedestrians, especially in hard-to-see conditions such as at night or in bad weather; slow down and be prepared to stop when turning or entering a crosswalk where pedestrians are likely to be; stop at the crosswalk stop line to give drivers in other lanes an opportunity to see and yield to the pedestrians too; and be cautious when backing up – pedestrians, especially young children, can move across your path. Pedestrians should follow the rules of the road, cross at crosswalks or intersections, and obey signs and signals; walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible if there is no sidewalk; pay attention to the traffic moving around them; make eye contact with drivers as they approach; wear bright-colored clothing during the day and reflective materials (or use a flashlight) at night; and look left-right-left before crossing a street. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. For additional information the Moreno Valley Police Department Traffic Division may be reached at (951) 486-6900.