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Public Works Department Investigated

By Breeanna Jent
Staff Writer
07/09/2015 at 04:44 PM

Following an investigation of two former council members who were exonerated of accusations they benefitted from alleged off-the-books public works projects, a San Bernardino Grand Jury also investigated the city's Public Works Department, recently publishing its findings in its 2014-2015 Final Report on July 1. The Grand Jury investigated claims regarding compliance with requirement for yearly audited financial statements; outdated computer systems; and compliance by city staff with documentation retention policies for project files and computer backup data, concerns leveled at the City of Colton last October by a group of six local residents and business owners who said the complaints against former Council Members Susan Oliva and Frank Gonzales were "a side issue," and their request was for an investigation into the Public Works Department. (For more on this investigation, please read the article titled, "Grand Jury Finds No Favoritism Towards Former Colton Council Members.") The report states the city's financial reports are currently up-to-date and a newly hired finance manager has established procedures for maintaining records. The Grand Jury also found the city was in the process of updating its computer systems, with 50 of 250 computers at the time of the Grand Jury's visit remaining to be updated. The report found city procedures are not "actively being reviewed and updated, but are updated when an issue arises and it is apparent that the policy or procedure is obsolete." Existing storage times for backed up data do not meet the retention schedule established by the city, the Grand Jury report states. Additional personnel are being hired to maintain the city's Information Technology department as finances improve, according to the report, and a "forward-looking plan is being considered for IT modernization... however, the plan is currently too expensive to implement." The Grand Jury listed its findings: 1. Colton correctly administers and audits Measure I funds, as well as funds from other sources. 2. The city lacks a methodology for periodic review and approval of its published policies and procedures. 3. Failure to use safe and secure file retention facilities may result in the City of Colton being unable to adequately rebound and quickly return City functions to normal following a major disaster. 4. Retention policies for archived materials are not being followed. The Grand Jury listed three recommendations: 1. A review schedule of City of Colton’s Policies and Procedures should be established. 2. Policies and Procedures should have the date adopted indicated on the item itself as well as the most recent review and approval date. 3. City records should be stored in a secure “facility” that safeguards them in the event of a major disaster. Such “facility” may include off site facilities or “cloud” type storage.