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Local Danielle Rocco Debuts First Novel, "Labeled Love"

By Kayla Sheldon
Staff Writer
08/20/2015 at 11:38 AM

Long-time Redlands community member Danielle Rocco proves that it is never too late to find passion in life as she debuted her very first novel, “Labeled Love” on Wednesday, Aug. 5. It debuted as #3 in the category of "New Hot Teen Releases." “I never thought I would write my own novel,” Rocco shared just a couple days after “Labeled Love” was officially published. Rocco married her junior high school sweetheart and is now a mother to their four children. “I’ve just been a mom and I became extremely passionate about reading and writing,” she shared. Rocco lived in Redlands for the majority of her life. She first came to the city at 13 and attended middle and high school there. “I went to Redlands High School and then went on to continuation school at Orange Grove High School,” she added. “I was a girl that never did really good in school.” She explained that when she was younger she never really enjoyed reading, or writing for that matter. “When we had to read a book in school, I would just read the back cover,” she chuckled. It wasn’t until about four years ago when she started avidly reading. But once she did, she couldn’t stop. She said, “I absolutely fell in love with it.” The start of her writing career happened not long after she discovered her love for reading. Plus, it was sparked by a real life situation. Hence the young adult romance/teen love story theme of her debut novel, her idea sparked when her daughter came to her about her boyfriend. “My daughter, 14, was crying because her boyfriend was moving to Coronado Island,” Rocco explained. “I just couldn’t help but think about that puppy-love feeling and the relationship they have. Their emotions sparked a story idea.” Just like that, Rocco decided, “I’m going to write a book.” Her journey started in October 2014, but according to Rocco, at that time she mostly did research to learn more about writing in general. “I haven’t always been the best student so I had to learn all the basics again,” she explained. After a few months went by and receiving support and advice from fellow author friends, Rocco decided to change the short story that she had written so far. It was March 2015. “I pretty much knew exactly what I wanted the story to entail. I scrapped most of the story, kept a few things, and wrote the rest from there,” she explained. “I wanted to tell the characters' stories from the very beginning.” After her sudden realization in March, Rocco shared that from then on, it only took her about four weeks to finish the book in its entirety. “Labeled Love” is about two young kids: Jace, 13, and Shay, 12, who come from completely different backgrounds. “It’s about two people loving each other no matter where they live or what they have. It’s about true love and true acceptance…love beyond labels,” said Rocco. Rocco highlighted the message she hopes her readers receive with one of her favorite quotes from her book: “Love knows your heart, not your address.” Rocco shared that when she was younger, she never would have thought she would publish a book, especially considering her lack of interest in both reading and writing. “It’s just something that’s within me now. Anyone, no matter what age, can find their passion,” she shared. “If I can do it, anyone can.” Since the release date, Rocco mentioned, “It’s getting fantastic reviews so far. This whole experience has been absolutely amazing.” She receives supportive messages and fan art from her readers. Fans of “Labeled Love” don’t have to wait much longer for another book; according to Rocco, she has already started on book number two and hopes that it will be out by October. "Labeled Love" was #15 in the Top 100 Teen Contemporary Romance, only 14 spots away from the from the famous John Green novel, "The Fault in Our Stars". Here are a few more of Rocco's favorite quotes from her successful debut novel "Labeled Love": "It's not how you start, it's how you finish. My eyes find hers and she smiles. I know exactly where I want to finish." "I knew that love should be felt. The problem was, how did I feel something when I didn't have anyone that cared to show me?" "She taste like home and happiness. She taste like forever." "I can't explain what she means to me. Other than when I'm with her I just know she means everything." "What is having it all? A big house, money, a nice car? They are nothing but material things that we can't take with us when were gone. One thing that can't be bought, but can only be felt, is the love you have for someone. That's the one thing that everyone can experience on the same level, no matter where they come from."