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Community Leaders Thank First Responders, Volunteers

By Ashley Dinkel
Community Writer
08/24/2016 at 01:12 PM

With the outbreak of the Blue Cut Fire last week, Supervisor Lovingood met with impacted residents, first responders and volunteers, in addition to frequent briefings and observation tours of the fire zone. “This has been a devastating fire," Lovingood said in a newsletter. "Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have suffered tremendous losses. We have seen courage and dedication from First Responders who willingly put themselves at risk to serve others.” On Aug. 16, six county firefighters were trapped and overrun by flames while they defended homes and assisting evacuations in Swarthout Canyon and many have worked for 30 hours without sleep. County Fire had water-dropping helicopters on scene within minutes of the fire, followed by U.S. Forest Service aircraft. Erratic winds sent embers flying miles ahead, touching off numerous spot fires in populated areas. Some veteran firefighters said they had never seen such an aggressive fire in their entire careers. The day after the fire started, a statement was released Aug. 17 by Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown, who represents the 47th Assembly District, which includes Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Rialto, San Bernardino, and the unincorporated communities of Bloomington and Muscoy. "As a community, we all must do what we can to help the victims of this devastating fire," Brown said in a statement. "My office is currently working with the American Red Cross and local public safety officials to provide assistance and resources to the victims of this terrible tragedy. I would like to commend the invaluable role of our first responders as they continue to fight the Blue Cut Fire and maintain the safety of our residents. I appreciate their dedication, tireless efforts and exceptional service." Lovingood also thanked those who continuously fought to put the recent Pilot Fire out. "Thank you to all of the firefighters, Sheriff’s Deputies, dispatchers, support personnel and volunteers who worked on the Pilot Fire operation," Lovingood said. "Many front-line firefighters worked long shifts and then camped in tents at the fairgrounds in Victorville. Members of the Red Cross, local Community Emergency Response Teams, the Sheriff’s Citizens On Patrol and the CHP’s Senior Volunteer Program are among the unsung, yet; invaluable volunteers who served during the fire. Local businesses also pitched in, including Home Depot, Chipotle and Subway, to name a few. Thank you to all."